Contact us
Address: 193, Knyaz Boris I Str., Sofia 1202, Bulgaria
Phones: +359 2 931 93 91 / +359 2 931 93 90
Fax: through front desk
Mobile phone: +359 885 85 89 85
Phones: +359 885 85 89 85
Phones: The restaurant is closed. (+359 885 85 89 85)
In FAQ and Hotel Policy, you will find useful information about your stay at Hotel Favorit, as well as for your spare time. Please, contact us, if you do not find the answer you are looking for!
If you have decided to take advantage of the best rates for your stay and you want to book directly through our reservation form, our team is at your disposal for assistance.
Moreover, for group and corporate accommodation, please, contact us to get your personal offer.
We will be happy to know more about your stay with us, and to receive your suggestions to be even better. We appreciate your feedback!